Why some Hindus have a self hatred complex ?
We have seen since independence that some Hindus have a strange hatred towards their culture they call themselves Hindu, but still, they have a strange hatred towards their culture. We see this mainly in English Educated Hindus, who are very far removed from their culture, they have convinced themselves of the Colonial/Leftists theory that Hinduism is benign and anything other than that is evil. They have a Marxist interpretation of Hinduism, which believes that Hinduism in benign, it will never retaliate. It will offer the other cheek always like Gandhi Their idea of Hinduism is a strange one this has no relation to Hindu Dharma They have a Marxist interpretation of Hinduism The Muslims can fight for their right, so can the Christians in the northeast, but never the Hindus. this a nice bit of hypocrisy Our culture has always said that fighting for righteousness is important. Then Shri Krishna Said in the Gita Shri Krishna with Arjun paritranaya sadhuna...