25 December Geeta Jayanti Special : Why Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is considered the best book in the world ?

There is such excellent and omnipresent knowledge in the Gita that thousands of years have passed since its creation, but after that, no scripture has been composed like it. Comprised of 18 chapters and 700 verses and full of devotion, knowledge, yoga and selflessness, this Gita text is the only book in the world whose Jayanti is celebrated.

Srimad Bhagavadgita did not praise or condemn any faith, creed but spoke about the progress of mankind. The Gita teaches the art of enhancing the outlook of life and also the art of being persistent in extreme tasks like war. Gita can give us Mukti (liberation)! This year, Srimadbhagavadgita Jayanti is on 25 December.

The Gita has 18 chapters, 700 verses, 94569 words. The Gita has been translated into more than 578 languages of the world.

Shri Krishna says 

गीता मे हृदयं पार्थ गीता मे सारमुत्तमम्।

गीता मे ज्ञानमत्युग्रं गीता मे ज्ञानमव्ययम्।।

गीता मे चोत्तमं स्थानं गीता मे परमं पदम्।

गीता मे परमं गुह्यं गीता मे परमो गुरुः।।

Geeta is my heart. Gita is my perfect essence. Gita is my extreme knowledge. Gita is my indestructible knowledge. Gita is My best abode. Gita is my ultimate post. Gita is my ultimate secret. Gita is my Guru

The Gita did wonder - Dharmakshetra Kurukshetra… made the battlefield also Dharmakshetra. Geeta performed yoga on the battlefield. Elephants are roaring, horses are snickering, warriors of both armies are against each other and ready to fight. But Bhagwan Shri Krishna is Giving Geeta Gyan (wisdom) to Arjuna who is sitting sadly depressed...

When freedom fighters were hanged for demanding freedom they spoke the verses of 'Geeta'.

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।

न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः॥

No weapon can cut the soul into pieces, nor can it be burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.

After describing the Gita in the Mahabharata, Shri Ved Vyas has said:

गीता सुगीता कर्तव्या किमन्यैः शास्त्रविस्तरैः।

या स्वयं पद्मनाभस्य मुखपद्माद्विनिः सुता ।।

The Gita is worthy of being understood, that is, the main duty is to read Shri Gita properly and imbibe it with meaning and sentiment, which is derived from the mouthpiece of Bhagwan Padmanabha Vishnu himself, then what is the purpose of expanding other scriptures? 

The Gita is omniscient. The essence of all the scriptures is loaded in the Gita. Even calling it the treasure of all the scriptures will not be an exaggeration. Once the knowledge of the Gita is well known, the scriptural knowledge of all the scriptures can happen automatically. There is no need to work separately for that.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is useful and beneficial not only for a particular religion or caste or person, but for the human race. No matter who is a person of any country, dress, community, sect, caste, varna and ashram, if he does a little regular reading of it, then he gets many amazing benefits.

The divine qualities of courage, ingenuity, affection, peace, and Dharma develop easily in the life of human being who reads and practices of the knowledge of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The ability to fight against Adharma, iniquity, injustice and exploitation Develops. Providing both enjoyment and Moksha (salvation), fearlessness and developing divine qualities, this Gita book is wonderful scripture in the whole world.

Arjuna, with the ability to bring weapons from Swarg (heaven), was surrounded by confusion without the nectar of Gita. Geeta Mata empowered Arjuna. Geeta Mata doesn't teach attack non-violent and does not let us be timid in front of violent persons.

देहं मानुषमाश्रित्य चातुर्वर्ण्ये तु भारते।

न श्रृणोति पठत्येव ताममृतस्वरूपिणीम्।।

हस्तात्त्याक्तवाऽमृतं प्राप्तं कष्टात्क्ष्वेडं समश्नुते।

पीत्वा गीतामृतं लोके लब्ध्वा मोक्षं सुखी भवेत्।।

In Bharat, even after receiving the body in four varnas, the person who does not read or listen to the Gita, he leaves the nectar which is near to him and eats poison with pain. But the person who reads/listens to the Gita attains Moksha (salvation).

Understanding the importance of Shri Geetaji in foreign countries, schools are teaching it in colleges, if the Government of India also wants to make the future of children and the country bright, then Geeta should be made compulsory in all schools and colleges.    


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